Beer spa

Do you love beer? Then a beer spa is right for you. In order to maximize the beneficial effects of the beer baths, the balanced recipe is prepared directly by our brewer.

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Pivní lázně - Wellness Hotel Pivovar Monopol

Relax in a hop and yeast bath

Miraculous hops

The main ingredient in the bath is hops, which have been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. It has calming effects, counteracts stress and nervousness. It will relax you and prepare you for sleep, perhaps in one of the elegant rooms of the Monopol Hotel. Hops have also been known for hundreds of years for their rejuvenating effects on the skin and strengthening effect on hair quality. It also works against unwanted bacteria in our body.

Yeast for soft skin

Brewer’s yeast is another important component of a beer bath. They are characterized by their high content of B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, including selenium, chromium, iron, potassium and phosphorus. Immediately after the bath you can observe the positive effect of yeast on the softness of your skin. On request, the spa staff will be happy to prepare yeast for you to use as a mask for your skin and hair during your bath.

Price of beer baths

  • Beer or herbal bath with sauna for 1 person 1 090 Kč
  • Beer or herbal bath with sauna for 2 persons 2 090 Kč

Duration of the procedure

The whole procedure takes 1 hour and is divided into two blocks.

40 minutes bath in the beer bath
20 minutes rest

Pivní lázně ve Wellness Hotelu Monopol v Teplicích

Drinking is an integral part of a beer bath

Tap your beer

Part of the procedure is also a very pleasant drinking cure, consisting in continuous replenishment of fluids – chilled beer from our family brewery. Right next to the vat there is a tap, from which you are sipping the best available ionic drink all the time.

Beer champion

For the beer baths we use our 12° pale lager, winner of numerous awards such as Regional Food of the Year 2020. We don’t filter or pasteurize the beer, so all the health benefits remain in the beer.

Price of beer baths

Beer wellness for tension relief

A relaxing bath in the delicious hop juice will ensure skin regeneration, relaxation of skin pores and flushing out harmful substances from the body. Relaxation of the overall tension is promoted by the pleasant temperature of the bath between 40-42 °C, the characteristic white foam on the surface and the aroma of freshly brewed golden liquid.

Healthy beer bath

The main benefits of beer baths include beneficial effects on skin, hair and muscles, improved blood circulation, detoxification, increased heart function, supply of vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins and stress relief. They are also used as a supportive treatment for back and joint pain, psoriasis and acne. You can enhance the effects of the treatment with any of our massages or by staying in the sauna.

Herbal baths

For visitors who do not prefer to take a beer bath, we have prepared herbal baths. For these baths we use herbal mixtures of the Květomluva brand from organic farming in the Wallachia region. We can offer you the following options: Detoxify, Breathe, Rejuvenate, Refresh, Relax and Relieve your joints. These herbal mixtures can also be purchased at our hotel reception.

Beer spa for two with accommodation

After the procedure, you don’t have to rush home right away. Try one of our stay packages and book a beer spa with accommodation right away. We recommend the package Stay with a bath in the beer spa for two for two nights or the De Luxe Wellness package for two people for two nights, in which you will enjoy not only beer wellness, but also massage and saunas.

Vinná karta
Restaurace Garden

Polední menu
Pivovarská restaurace

Salát pro tento týden:  Listový salát s grilovaným hermelínem, rajčaty, grilovanou cuketou grenaillemi, olivami a dresinkem z hrubozrnné hořčiceA:10,3,7                 199,-                                                    

Pondělí 2.12.

Polévka: Zeleninový krém s parmazánovými krutony A:1,3,7                                                                                                                        45,-         

  1. Hovězí přírodní plátek na cibulce se slaninou a dušenou jasmínovou rýží A:1                                     189,-
  2. Holandský řízek s bramborovou kaší, kyselá okurka A:1,3,7                                                                   169,-          
  3. Špenátové lasagne s bešamelem A:1,3,7       169,-                          
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Úterý 3.12.

Polévka: Hovězí vývar s játrovými knedlíčky, nudlemi a zeleninou A:1,3,7,9                                                               45,-                                    

  1. Smažená aljašská treska podávaná s vařeným bramborem a tatarskou omáčkouA:4,7,3,1         179,-
  2. Indické kuřecí kari s rajčaty a koriandrem podávané s jasmínovou rýží A:1,7                           179,-
  3. Penne arrabiata sypané parmezánem A:1,3,7    169,-                          
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Středa 4.12.

Polévka: Rajčatová polévka s nudlemi a bazalkouA:1,7    45,-      Denní tip: Pečené kachní stehno, červené zelí, šumavský knedlík A:1,7,3                                      249,-         

  1. Svíčková hovězí pečeně s houskovým knedlíkem, brusinkami a šlehačkou A:1,3,7,10,9         189,-
  2. Penne s lilkem, rajčaty, bazalkou a kuřecím masem A:1,3,7                                                                              179,-  
  3. Smažená cuketa v sezamové strouhance s americkými bramborami, tatarkaA:1,3,7,11                       169,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Čtvrtek 5.12.

Polévka: Krupicová polévka s vejci a zeleninouA:1,7,3,9  45,- 

Denní tip: Grilovaný filet divokého lososa, máslové romanesco, pečené grenaille, omáčka beurre blanc s hrubozrnnou hořčicí A:1,4,7         219,-

  1. Roštěnky na houbách s rýží A:3,7,9      189,- 
  2. Srbské vepřové rizoto sypané sýrem, kyselá okurka A:6,7                                                                                                 169,-              
  3. Zapečená žemlovka s jablky, tvarohem, rum. rozinkami a skořicovým sněhem A:1,3,7                   169,-    
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Pátek 6.12.

Polévka: Hráškový krém zjemněný smetanou s krutony A:1,3,7                                                                                  45,-                  Denní tip: Kančí guláš na jalovci s brusinkami a bramborovými rösti A:1,3,7                                               209,-

  1. Kuřecí roláda plněná drůbeží fáší podávaná s jasmínovou rýží A:1,3,7                                     169,-
  2. Plněné bramborové knedlíky uzeným, dušené zelí a vídeňská cibulka A:1,3,7           179,-
  3. Smažená brokolice, brambor, tatarka A:1,3,7  179,-

Vinná karta
Pivovarská restaurace

Polední menu
Restaurace Garden


Hlavní chod

  • Konfitované kachní stehno 299,-Kč

    červené zelí s brusinkami, houskový knedlík, kachní jus, smažená cibulkaA:1,3,7

  • Smažený kuřecí řízek 259,-Kč

    bramborový salát, marinovaná zelenina, citron A:1,3,7,9

  • Kroupové rizoto s houbami 219,-Kč

    parmazánový chips, restované lišky, bylinky A:1,3,7