Restaurant Garden

Restaurant Garden

The Garden Restaurant is one of our two restaurants. Explore also Brewery Restaurant and decide where to go for your dining experience.

Restaurace Garden Teplice

Modern restaurant in the centre of Teplice

Great indoor and outdoor seating

Elegant, modern, airy, sunny – these are the qualities that clearly define the Garden Restaurant in Monopol. The unique atmosphere is created by the glass ceiling and glass walls, which bring natural light into the interior. There is also an outdoor terrace for pleasant seating overlooking the magnificent St. Bartholomew’s Church.

On weekdays, we offer you dishes from our lunch menu. You can always look forward to soup and three main courses.

Beer and premium gin & tonic

In the Garden Restaurant we also offer beers from our family brewery. We brew traditional 12° lager of Pilsner type Monopol, 11° semi-dark Karlik, cherry 11° and English type beer ALE 14°. Specials of varying degrees are also prepared throughout the year. If you are not a fan of beer, we recommend the best of our range of Czech and foreign wines, Italian Prosecco or mixed cocktails. For example, our premium gins with premium Fever-Tree tonics are very popular.

Luxury restaurant for breakfast and dinner

Breakfast or brunch in Teplice

We start bright and early! If you are a brunch lover, a combination of a late rich breakfast with lunch, the Garden Restaurant is the right place for you. Fresh coffee, a savoury or sweet breakfast and the sunlight streaming through the glass walls of the restaurant. Sounds like a great start to the day. You can enjoy our renowned brunch on Sundays, and all-inclusive breakfast every day.

Modern restaurant - modern menu

In the afternoons, evenings and on weekends we prepare meals according to our a la carte menu. The modern gastronomic menu is dominated by perfectly prepared grilled meats, but you will also find salads, vegetarian dishes and light appetizers. Romantic dinners for two, family celebrations and get-togethers with friends – all of this will be made perfectly enjoyable by our delicious dishes.

Corporate or private events

Our Garden Restaurant is a great meeting place for larger groups. We can prepare a private party, wedding, training or adapt the interior of the restaurant for teambuilding. You can also enjoy a bachelor party here, which can be even better with the range of services in our wellness. There’s nothing better than getting into a hop bath and sipping our pale lager. Wellness Hotel Brewery Monopol is simply the right place for every occasion.

A new lounge is available for your event, equipped with a screen, data projector, flipchart boards and free Wi-Fi. The capacity of the lounge is 60 people for theatre seating and up to 45 people for table seating.

We will provide you with refreshments or coffee break according to your requirements and complete catering of our own production including craft beer brewed in our brewery. The area is separate from the restaurant, so you will not be disturbed by normal traffic. During the day, participants can also have lunch at the brewery restaurant, which is part of the complex.

It is not a condition to rent a stay in our hotelbut we offer 37 double rooms in case of interest.

For an event with a larger number of people, the lounge area can either be connected to the restaurant and lobby bar, or the entire Garden Restaurant can be rented, which can accommodate 90-100 people during the theatre seating and another 30-40 people in the adjacent lobby bar area, which has proven to be a good option for a coffee break during the event.

You can find us in the centre of Teplice

Wellness Hotel Brewery Monopol has an exceptional location in the centre of the spa town of Teplice.

Vinná karta
Restaurace Garden

Polední menu
Pivovarská restaurace

Salát pro tento týden:   Zeleninový salát s farmářskou zálivkou, kuřecími stripsy a česnekovými krutony A:1,3,7 209,-

Pondělí 10.02.

Polévka: Kuřecí vývar s masem a šunkovým svítkem A:1,3,7,9                                                                                          45,-

  1. Pečený vepřový bok, kysané zelí, houskové knedlíky A:1,3,7                                                           179,-
  2. Rakouské špecle s omáčkou z lesních hub, smaženou rukolou, sypané parmazánemA:1,3,7         169,-                                             
  3. Smažený kuřecí řízek s bramborovou kaší a okurkovým salátem A:1,3,7                                              179,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Úterý 11.02.

Polévka: Čočková polévka s uzeninouA:1,3,7,9   45,- 

  1. Hovězí pečeně v koprové omáčce a vejcem a houskovým knedlíkem A:1,3,7                                    189,-
  2. Celerové řízečky podávané s máslovým bramborem a okurkovým salátemA:1,3,7,9                 169,-
  3. Vepřový katův šleh podávaný s dušenou jasmínovou rýží A:1,3,7                                                           179,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Středa 12.02.

Polévka: Uzený vývar s masem a kroupamiA:1,7,9   45,- 

Denní tip: Hovězí bacon burger s volským okem, čedar, zelenina, cibulové kroužkyA:1,3,7,10              219,-

  1. Mexický hovězí guláš s hráškovou rýží, sypané sýrem A:1,7                                                                 189,-
  2. Bramborák plněný krůtí směsí sypaný sýrem A:1,3,7                                                                                  179,-
  3. Smažené žampiony podávané s bramborovou kaší A:1,3,7                                                                          169,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Čtvrtek 13.02.

Polévka: Cuketový krém s krutony A:1,3,7    45,-                          

Denní tip: Grilovaný celý pstruh, máslové zámecké brambory, opečený chřest A:1,3,4,7                    259,-

  1. Hovězí dušené ve smetanové houbové omáčce s houskovým knedlíkem A:1,3,7      189,-
  2. Milánské špagety s mletým masem, sypané sýrem A:1,3,7,9                                                                            169,-
  3. Rýžový nákyp s meruňkami sypaný cukrem A:3,7    159,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky


Pátek 14.02.

Polévka: Hovězí vývar se zeleninou a nudlemi A:1,3,9  45,-      

Denní tip: Pomalu tažené hovězí ossobuco na kořenové zelenině, bramborové pyré A:1,3,7               239,-         

  1. Segedínský guláš s našimi houskovými knedlíkyA:1,3,7                                                                                169,-
  2. Smažený hermelín s máslovým bramborem a tatarskou omáčkou A:1,3,7                                 179,-
  3. Zapečené těstoviny s uzeným masem, vejci a cibulí podávané se zelným salátkemA:1,3,7     169,-
  4. Salát: Dle týdenní nabídky

Vinná karta
Pivovarská restaurace

Polední menu
Restaurace Garden


Hlavní chod

  • Grilovaný RIB-EYE steak 289,-Kč

    fazolky se slaninou, hranolky, pepřová omáčka A:7

  • Grilovaná vepřová krkovice Duroc 269,-Kč

    křenová espuma, grenaille s pažitkou, bramborová sláma, bylinky A:7

  • Tagliatelle s burratou 239,-Kč

    rajčatová omáčka, bazalkové pesto, rukola, cherry rajčataA:1,3,7